Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - Maroon Day
Altered Schedule Dates:
11/29 - SAT Prep Hashtag Reading - Chimes will be Club Schedule
12/04 - School Board Meeting @ 5:45pm
12/06 - 1st Club Cluster - Club Schedule
12/12 - Picture Retake Day 10am
12/13 - 2nd Club Cluster - Club Schedule
12/18 - School Board Meeting @ 5:45pm
12/18 - Gray Day FINAL EXAMS
12/19 - Maroon Day FINAL EXAMS
- Auditions for the Spring Musical, GREASE, will be held on December 13th and 14th in the PAC. The sign-up sheet is posted outside the choir room.
- If you have missed 7 or more days in any one of your classes or 14 or more days in an everyday class, you will need to Appeal for your Credit. Forms may be picked up from Mrs. Burnett in A105. The forms must be returned to Mrs. Burnett by Friday, Dec. 8th at noon.
- Art Guild members - Dues of $10 are due by the In-School club meeting on Wed. Dec. 6th. You can pay Mrs. Glaser in F104 during passing periods or before or after school. Dues include a club shirt. See Mrs. Glaser if you have financial concerns before the deadline.
- Students who did not receive their pictures please stop in the main office to pick them up.
- If any student is interested in participating in the Science Olympiad competition at USI in February, please come see Mrs. Martens in room B119 sometime this week. There are trivia events, engineering events, and hands-on lab events that encompass all areas of science. Participation looks great on college and scholarship applications!
- Picture Retake Day: December 12th starting at 10:00 am. Retakes are super easy! Here is some of the basic info:
1. Students do not need to notify ahead of time if they are getting retakes.
2. If a student ordered a picture package on the original day, and they are getting a retake due to dissatisfaction, they just need to bring their package back on retake day and hand it to the photographer. They will retake the photo, let them see it, and do an even trade(reorder the same package with the new image at no charge). But they must return the package to get the new one. If someone happens to forget their package at home, we will still photograph them, they will just be marked as no package until they return the original.