Date: Monday, October 4th, White Day
Lunch: cheeseburger or hamburger on bun, romaine salad with tomatoes, fresh carrots, blueberries, low fat milk
Breakfast tomorrow: egg omelette with toast, raisins, fruit juice, low fat milk
Lunch tomorrow: Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, peas, roll, kiwi, low fat milk
Birthdays today: Jade Johnson, Kiara Shepherd,
Fundraiser money is due today! Please turn into the office. Please Do not turn into your teacher.
Intramural dodgeball and basketball will be after school in the small gym on Wednesday until 3:45. Meet in Mr. Wolfe's room after school and make sure to have a way home. See Mr. Wolfe if you have any questions.
There is a signup sheet for 6th, 7th and 8th grade boys and girls basketball. Tryouts will be later this month. You must have a physical on file to tryout and practice. If you need to know if you have a physical on file, please see the nurse between classes.
Congrats to the MV Boys AND Girls Cub Soccer Teams as they won their brackets of the Southern Indiana Junior High Soccer Conference!
Cross Country Conference results were:
Braxden Walker - 17th place
Marcus Rieken - 22nd place
Course PR’s: Marcus Rieken, Carter Howe
Career PR: Carter Howe
State results:
Carter Zieren finished in 7th place for the small school Varsity boys race!
Congrats to the 8th grade football team on a win over SouthRidge and a 7th grade team win in overtime. Congrats to all our Bobcat athletes this weekend.