By Super User on Thursday, 17 February 2022
Category: MVJH News

2/17/22 announcements


Date:  Thursday, February 17th, White Day

Lunch today: meatballs and gravy, mashed potatoes, glazed carrots, roll, fresh orange wedges low fat milk                       

Breakfast tomorrow:

Lunch tomorrow:

Birthdays: Monroe Harris

Birthdays over the break: Clyde Sharber, Trevor Reeves, Ellie Rhea, Gavin Schuck, Sean Spencer, Sydney Spencer, Izaiah Gonzalez , Mr. Blair


Wildcat Stem camp for junior high kids will be on March 12th. Only the first 50 students will be able to participate. Pick up a form from the main office or your science teacher. Get your form turned in fast!

If you are an 8th grader and did not get a class selection form to pick classes for high school, please come to the office.

There will be a Jumper's Clinic for anyone who is interested in long jump or high jump. The clinic will run from February 23-25, after school until 4pm. We will meet in Room 901 (Ms White's room) on Feb 23. Please see Coach Poling for details or if you have any questions. 

Wrestling meet tonight at home starting at 5:30pm. Good luck Bobcats!

Just a reminder that you are to not go upstairs or to your locker before the first bell in the morning. You must go to the gym or cafeteria to eat. Also, you are not to use the restroom by the cafeteria or go to your locker when walking to the gym after lunch.

We do not have school tomorrow or next Monday! Enjoy your 4 day break!


Remember, here at MVJHS, we want to be better today than we were yesterday, but not as good as we will be tomorrow!  Have a great day, Bobcats!  We are . . . MV!


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