MSD of
Mount Vernon
Expect Excellence!  #WeAreMV

We Are MV!!!

day-of-caring Principal Perspective

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across waters to create many ripples."
Mother Teresa

As fall graces our town, we witness the changing leaves and shorter daylight on our daily commutes.  In Mt. Vernon, we’ve enjoyed community events like the Homecoming football game, River Days, United Way Day of Caring and honoring our fall sports programs.  At the Junior High, we’re busy with our annual Reality Store for 8th graders, inviting professionals to speak to 7th graders and gearing up for Family Fun Night in October.

All of this reminds me why I joined the field of public education - for our community, families, students and staff.  Public schools focus on people, nurturing our students’ growth and preparing them for life, careers, college and service.  I’m proud to be part of MSD of MV and the Junior High family, where our shared values include education, community involvement and supporting each other.

Having spent nearly 13 years in this community, I don’t get caught up in national news or social media; I know you, I know this town and I believe in its potential.  Our focus should be on what truly matters to us - our children, our community and our future.  Mt. Vernon Junior High is here to serve your needs, and while we may face challenges, we face them together and I hope they always lead to positive growth.  

This fall, let’s celebrate our community and our shared values.  Let’s all remember that while we may not have the power to impact the world single-handedly, we can still cast a stone into the water to create countless ripples of positive change.  

Marc Hostetter
Principal, MVJHS

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Daily Bulletin 09/27/23 - Maroon Day
Daily Bulletin 09/26/23 - Gray Day

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