MSD of
Mount Vernon
Expect Excellence!  #WeAreMV

Industriousness... What?

385027450_853843013413367_9104141964910726561_n Principal Perspective

All roads that lead to success have to pass through hard work boulevard at some point.

Are you a bit of a nerd?  I know I am.  I find myself drawn to straight lines, spreadsheets, and non-fiction books.  Do you share my fascination with what it takes to be successful?  Do you wonder how we can develop habits in our youth that lead them to success?  If you’re nodding your head, you’re not alone.  Developing daily habits often leads to a lifelong quest for self-improvement and achievement.  

If you’re familiar with Indiana native and legendary basketball coach John Wooden, you might know about his Pyramid of Success.  Because I can’t help myself, I’ve crafted my own version, known as the Pyramid of Excellence.  Three foundational blocks in this pyramid are Enthusiasm, Growth Mindset and Industriousness.  In a previous Principal Perspective, I delved into Growth Mindset, and in the future, I’ll explore the realm of Enthusiasm.  Today, let’s focus on the cornerstone of Industriousness.  

According to, industriousness is defined as the constant, energetic, or devoted effort. It signifies hard work—very hard work. It's essential to understand that there's no substitute for extreme dedication and effort when it comes to achieving real success. From the grandest of achievements to the smallest of victories, it all starts with a strong work ethic.  I have not known any individual anywhere who achieved real success without working extremely hard.

As parents, we often wish for our children to lead better lives than we did. Sometimes, we mistakenly equate "easier" with "better." It's important to remind ourselves that allowing our kids to face and overcome challenges is a vital part of their growth. Productive struggle necessitates effort, and to surmount obstacles, industriousness is the key. It's an idea we can all agree upon: industriousness is a precursor to success. After all, why do all roads to success lead through Hard Work Boulevard?

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Family, Community, Country


Over the course of the past month our students have been blessed with many wonderful experiences at school and in our Mt. Vernon Community.

Many of these experiences have specifically honored Family, Community and Country.

During the first week of September our West Elementary School PTO invited Grandparents of our West students in for Breakfast before school.  Hundreds of students and their Grandparents attended the Grandparents Day Breakfast in our West Cafeteria enjoying donuts and pictures!

Also, towards the beginning of September our 4th Grade Students had the opportunity to learn more about local Indiana History during a Field Tript to River Days.  In addition, our West Student Council proudly represented our school in the River Days Parade.  We believe it is important for students to participate in local community traditions such as River Days to develop an understanding and appreciation of their own community.

On September 11th, our entire school - students and staff met at the flagpole to recite the Pledge of Allegiance together and have a moment of silence in honor of 9/11/01.  We were honored to be led by Gunnery Sgt. Benjamin Hartmann of the United States Marines Corps.  Benjamin Hartmann is a former MVHS graduate and father of two current West Elementary students.  We appreciate his sacrifice for our safety and freedom and will keep him in our thoughts as he sets out on a two year call to duty in Japan this next month.

Another meaningful opportunity for our students was the Spirit Week we had at West to coincide with MVHS Homecoming Week.  We believe that encouraging our students to support and participate in community activities such as these add significant value and treasured memories to their K-12 Education in the MSD of Mt. Vernon.

As we rounded out the last month full of Family, Community and Country, our 9th Annual West Elementary School Family Picnic was a Huge Success again this year!  Over 500 West students, family members, and staff members thoroughly enjoyed our tradition of Food and Fun!

We are proud of the experiences our students have had during the first quarter of the school year and cannot wait to see what the rest of the fall semester brings!

Amanda Wilson

West Elementary School Principal

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The Comet Connection: Monthly Newsletter


October Newsletter

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New Beginnings

New Beginnings

As the days get shorter and the air becomes crisper, we know that we are settling into a new school year at Farmersville!  A new school year can mean changes, which bring a lot of new friends and faces into our school!  

This fall we have said goodbye to Mrs. Koressel and Nurse Dixon. They have both moved onto exciting new opportunities for them and we wish them the best!  That means we have said welcome to some new faces as well!  We have had a few weeks with Mrs. Denning as our new school secretary and she is settling in very quickly and learning her new job and all of the new faces.  We will welcome our new nurse in a few weeks when she finishes up her current job at a local hospital, but she is excited to be a falcon as well!  

Over the summer, we also welcomed some new teachers and had some teachers move to new roles within the building.  Mrs. Lefler left first grade and is now our RTI Interventionist.  Miss Wargel left STEM and is now a first grade teacher! They are both excited to be in their new classrooms this year.  In special education, we have welcomed Mr. Turner as a new teacher. We also welcomed Miss Hoehn as a new TA in our special education department. In STEM, we now have Mr. Weaver who has quickly adjusted to a brand new position. He is anxious to begin working with our high ability students as well.  Miss Mintner is our new PE teacher and has at least as much energy as the kids do! She has been a perfect fit for our Falcons. 

We look forward to settling into a new routine with our new Falcons and can’t wait to see what this year will bring!  

By: Kristen Dutkiewicz, Principal

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