MSD of
Mount Vernon
Expect Excellence!  #WeAreMV

daily announcements


Thursday, August 25th, White day

Lunch Today: chicken fajita nachos with peppers and queso, dragon juice, corn, apple wedges, low fat milk

Breakfast Tomorrow: bacon scramble, diced peaches, fruit juice, low fat milk

Lunch tomorrow: hot dog on bun, oven fries, carrot sticks with ranch, mixed fruit, low fat milk

Birthdays today:   Mrs. Burkett, Makayla Lupfer 


 Please pick up a form to see Rudy the therapy dog!  Without a parent permission slip you may not interact with Rudy during the day.

Get your Bobcat Spirit wear!  Forms are outside the main office if you did not receive one in homebase yesterday.  Orders are due Sept. 6th.

Come join the Mount Vernon Swim Club. Practices start September 6th and are held here at our pool from 5:30-7:30 Monday through Friday. See Coach Jankowski in Room 318 for information.

All junior high students will get into any junior high game free this year!  Football, basketball, volleyball, wrestling, track and field.  We want to see lots of students in the stands cheering on their fellow Bobcats.   

Please make sure your locker is not overstuffed, has any backpack straps hanging out or pencils in the lock.  If you get a notice on your locker of any of these things,  you will receive consequences which could result in detentions.

Please remember that you should be in class and in your seat when the bell rings for class to start.   

The football team will have their first game tonight!  the 7th grade game will start at 5:30pm followed by the 8th grade game.  Junior High students get in for free!  

We will have a pep session this afternoon.  You will go with your 8th period class.  We will announce when it's time for each grade to leave.  

Remember, here at MVJHS, we want to be better today than we were yesterday, but not as good as we will be tomorrow!  Have a great day, Bobcats!  We are . . . MV!

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daily announcements
Daily Bulletin 08/25/22 - Gray Day


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