Mount Vernon
Junior High School
Expect Excellence!  #WeAreMV


Mrs. Antoinette Robinson (A - K), Mrs. Kate Scates (L-Z)


Homebase will consist of character education lessons, digital safety lessons, and school-wide testing activities. Hombase will take place from 1:00pm-1:35pm once or twice per week. This time will be used as a Study Center the remaining days of the week.

MVJHS Counseling Department

Welcome to Mt.  Vernon Junior High. As always, the Counseling Department strongly encourages you to become involved in your child's educational experience here at MVJHS. Please feel free to contact us should you have a questionor concern at any time during the year. Mrs. Scates and Mrs. Robinson can be reached at 833-2077 or by email..

If you are interested in volunteering your time at the junior high, please contact the counseling office.
We would love to see you here!
School is Open School is Open