First Club Cluster
Advanced Biology
Purpose - Raise money for Advanced Biology Class.
Prerequisite - Students must be currently enrolled in Advanced Biology
Dues -$10
Art Guild
Purpose - To promote extracurricular interests of visual art students through sponsoring visiting artists, field trips to art museums and cultural activities, community projects using our artistic talents (including the courtyard), and by sponsoring three post-secondary scholarships.
Prerequisite - Students must be currently enrolled in or previously have taken a visual art course. The student must have maintained a B or above average in the most recently taken art course to be eligible to be a member.
Dues - $15 which will include a club t-shirt. (Due at first club meeting.)
Purpose - To prepare students for rewarding careers in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship.
Prerequisite - Members must be currently enrolled in or have taken a marketing class.
Dues - $12
Purpose - To make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education
Prerequisite - Students must be currently enrolled in an agricultural course. Members are required to sell 15 4/5 bushels of during the annual fundraising activity.
Dues - $15 (must be paid before the first meeting).
German Club
Purpose - To foster an appreciation for German Culture outside of the classroom.
Prerequisite - Members must currently be enrolled in German or have previously taken at least one year of German
Dues - $5
Math for Fun
Purpose - Students will have an opportunity to participate in various recreational math activities.
Prerequisite - Students must be enrolled in a math class at a level of Algebra I or higher. A completed Internet contract is also required.
Dues - None
Multimedia Club
Purpose - The Multi-Media Club is a full service audio-visual, computer, internet website and video organization designed for the betterment of MVHS and the community at large. Club members will work on projects to meet the needs of teachers, students and members of the community. At club meetings, students will discuss projects and learn more about how to better utilize technology. There will be a maximum enrollment of twenty students. Students who are interested should contact Mr. Pickrell in the Media Center.
Prerequisite - The club is open to all students. Senior students who wish to create the Senior Video must be a club member.
Dues - $10
Purpose - The club is called Students Against Destructive Decisions and will be held in the main gym on first club schedule. Speakers and videos are set up to cover certain topics of destructive decisions (alcohol, drugs, violence, etc.). Activities will be planned to increase awareness throughout the school and community. Officers will be elected. Dues cover some activities, a t-shirt, and pizza party in April.
Dues - $10
Spanish Club
Purpose - To widen the scope of understanding of the spanish language and the people who speak it. A wide variety of programs will be planned including guest speakers, films, dance instruction, Hispanic food sampling, etc.
Prerequisite - Student must be currently enrolled in Spanish or have completed at least two years of Spanish
Dues - $15 (includes a t-shirt)
Purpose - The study and performance of theatre. Members of this club will be involved in learning about all aspects of the theatrical performance and productions and will be encouraged to be a part of Mt. Vernon High School theatre activities.
Prerequisite - None
Dues - $5
Second Club Cluster
Business Professionals of America
Purpose - To prepare students for the business workforce through the advancement of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills. The major activity BPA is the competitive events program. Students compete at the district, state, and national levels in computer, speech, job interview, accounting, Web page design, and various other business related contests.
Prerequisite - Students must be enrolled in or have taken a business class.
Dues - $16
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
Purpose - If you have a desire to face the challenge and adventure of receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, serving Him in your relationships and fellowshipping with other believers, THEN THIS IS THE CLUB FOR YOU!!!
Prerequisite - None
Dues - $5
Key Club
Purpose - Key Club, known as Builder’s Club at the junior high, is a service leadership organization for high school students. Our club’s focus is on helping kids. We participate in many projects that raise awareness and money to help children in our community, country, and even world. Dues are $15.00, and there is an application that involves writing a paragraph describing how you believe you could contribute to the club. Return the completed application form to Mrs. Shank, Mrs. Steinhart, or Mrs. Sims.
Prerequisite - None
Participation - Participation is required. Key Club members must be active in a required number of club activities by January 1 or risk expulsion from Key Club.
Dues - $15
Outdoor Sports Club
Purpose - To promote interest in outdoor activities such as hunting and fishing. The club plans its activities around the various hunting/fishing seasons. A "Big Buck" contest in the fall and a fishing tournament in the spring will be held.
Prerequisite - All members must have a valid hunting/fishing license.
Dues - $15
Readers Club
Purpose - To explore a variety of books and poems, to seek out new knowledge and creativity, and to boldly read what some youth have never read before.
Dues - $5
Science Club
Purpose - The Science club will meet in room B115 on the second club cluster. Topics will include both the physical and biological sciences. Activities and labs will be set up during club time. Dues cover some of the materials needed for the activities and a pizza party in April. Officers will be elected.
Prerequisite - None
Dues - $5
Purpose - To foster an awareness of the fine and performing arts both at the school and community level. The Tri-M club sponsors a dance and serves as ushers for performing arts activities at the high school.
Prerequisite - Members must be enrolled in an instrumental or vocal music course.
Dues - $5 (new members); $3 (returning members). All Dues must be paid by the second club meeting.
Purpose - To foster an understanding of the importance of technology in theater.
Prerequisite - Open to any student currently enrolled in Technical Theater or with the permission of the instructor.
Dues - $5
Before/After School Clubs
Booster Club
Purpose - To establish school spirit for the athletic teams throughout the year. Posters will be made for the teams and placed in the halls and placed in the halls/locker rooms. Other spirit-related activities are planned by the club members.
Prerequisite - None
Dues - $3
International Club
Purpose - To promote internationalism within the MVSHS community and create opportunities for students to learn about different cultures and traditions. Members will have the opportunity to meet people from around the world who will share information about their home countries. This club is open to any MVSHS student.
Prerequisite - None
Dues - $15